

I have a wonderful sister. She is the best sister anyone could ever have. My sister is always there for me no matter what, she is the best sister anyone could have. I can tell her anything and everything no matter how big or small. I am lucky to have her in my life because without her I don’t even think I would know how to write this entry.

It all started when my mom got pregnant with me…when she would go to the doctor pretty much every 5 minutes like every pregnant person is supposed to! Every time she went my sister went as well, and on one of these occasions the doctor noticed something on the back of my sister’s ear.

Now my mom has been knowing about this “thing” on the back of my sister’s ear for a while now and every doctor she went to just said “oh its nothing to worry about”… when in actuality it was something to worry about. Something VERY serious to worry about!

As the doctor examined the “thing” in the back of my sister’s ear, his face quickly changed from happy to “OH SO SERIOUS!” That instant the doctor asked my mom if she knew about this and my mom replied yes, she had also said that all the doctors she had been to told her that it was nothing to worry about. Later on after further examination the doctor told my mother that if my sister didn’t get surgery right away… that “thing” could quickly turn into cancer!

My mom told me this story. As she told me this story I quickly realized that if my mom hadn’t been pregnant with me and if I hadn’t been born this doctor would have never told my mom what the “thing” was and if my mom did ever find out, it would probably have been too late. I guess you could say I saved my sister’s life, which is why she is so important to me and why she is my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without her in my life.